Providing the technology and support so you can focus on the strategy.
We have designed this template to help you create a new course and discover all the tools this LMS has. You will find all the different components you can add to each unit, build the learner's experience and even evaluate the learner's knowledge.
To use the imported template, feel free to modify it, drag the sections to change the order, and even erase the parts that don't work well for you. We are assuming that you have already considered and written down what the structure of your course is going to be, including the different sections it's going to have and the different content components you want to include in your course, including videos, reading materials, and an initial design for the quizzes and other activities. You and your team may have built a course document for this purpose and now we're going to translate those materials into an actual course in open edX Studio.
Add information about the skills and knowledge students need to take this course.
Providing the technology and support so you can focus on the strategy.
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See our list of supported browsers for the most up-to-date information.
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